segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011


Zach Roerig como Matt Donovan
Tem 17 anos, boa aparência e é irmão de Vicki. Ele conhece Elena desde a infância e os dois costumavam sair juntos, até Elena terminar o relacionamento. Entretanto, ele ainda ama Elena e fica preocupado quando o garoto novo, Stefan, e ela iniciam um relacionamento amoroso. Mais tarde apaixona-se por Caroline Forbes. Porém a relação fica difícil quando Caroline é transformada em vampira, e assim ela tenta provar amor por ele, mas que fica escondido. É em uma noite que há um incendio no grill que Matt e Caroline ficam juntos, e segundos depois ele é atingido e quase morre, porém Caroline o deu sangue e ele descobriu que ela é uma vampira, onde lembrou de Vicki, que foi assassinada por um vampiro

1 comentário:

  1. I'm someone who has lived a life seemingly in the background, I must say this final indignity I have suffered almost too much to endure. You see, I have been sickly and weak since the day I was born and doomed to go through all my life a weakling. I seemed to have always suffered from one illness or another and could never play with the other children as I so desperately wanted to. Mother always made such a big fuss over me, also, making the situation worse as the other boys teased me mercilessly after they saw it. I was browsing  the internet searching on how i could be transformed into a powerful when i came across the email of a man named Lord Mark. who was a VAMPIRE so I told him that I has always dreamed of becoming a  VAMPIRES, All i did was just to follow the procedure that i was been told, and i bet you that procedure I took change my entire life to something i ever desire, freedom, sickness free, pains free, fame, influence, connections and even more that i can. Thanks to Lord Mark. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:
